“THANK YOU for such a brilliant course!”

“This course has been OUTSTANDING and a pleasure to take part in. Now more of the fun continues, where I put this all into practice. I will also keep referring back to this platform as a library of information. Thank you for such a brilliant course!" 

- Mark Ratcliffe

Experience The Joy of Acrylic Pouring:

An Abstract Artform That Anyone Can Learn!

Acrylic pouring is a unique painting technique where the artist pours “fluid” acrylic paints on a surface to create a truly one-of-a-kind piece of abstract artwork. The artist may tilt, blow, spin, or manually manipulate the surface to control the natural flowing patterns created by the moving paint. 

The artist has full control over which colors they want to use, the size or shape of the canvas, as well as the way the paints are poured and manipulated on the surface before it dries. 

And the best news of all is….

Acrylic Pouring is a fantastic method of painting that can be easily learned by people of all ages and backgrounds – including yourself! You don’t have to have an art background to enjoy the creative painting experience that Acrylic Pouring has to offer you.

If Acrylic Pouring sounds like something you’d like to learn, or maybe you simply want to improve your current knowledge and skills, then we have something you’re absolutely going to love!

Introducing Our Exclusive Online Course

*Acrylic Pouring: A to Z*

We’ve created a comprehensive step-by-step online course that’s fully dedicated to the art of Acrylic Pouring. We’ve combined our own unique knowledge, skills, talents, expertise, and experiences into ONE in-depth online course for people just like yourself who are either new to Acrylic Pouring, or simply want to improve on their own knowledge and skills. 

Inside this highly informative course, we cover every step of Acrylic Pouring from A to Z for you in precise detail. But we also do it in a very fun and enjoyable way that is easy to understand and will have you creating in no time!

(*Closed captions are available now!)

We cover everything from the basics of acrylic paint, Acrylic Pouring techniques, supplies and paint choices, mixing and consistency, color selection, how to finish your artwork with varnish OR resin, and even provide bonus snippets of how to sell your own art!

Thanks to the Acrylic Pouring: A to Z course, you’ll save time, money, and the frustrations of trying to master the art of Acrylic Pouring on your own. 

Once you go through all the videos and materials of this online course (at your own pace), you will be better equipped with the knowledge to achieve consistent results with your own pours.

Meet All 3 of Your Expert Art Instructors

One of the biggest benefits of enrolling in the Acrylic Pouring: A to Z course is the opportunity to learn from 3 amazing and experienced instructors – all with their own unique styles and approaches to Acrylic Pouring.

Molly Leach

Molly Leach is an internationally recognized abstract artist from South Florida. She has lived in coastal cities most of her life and she draws a lot of her inspiration from the ocean. She likes to focus on color combinations, composition, and movement. Molly also loves to teach others all kinds of different types of art.

Olga Soby

Olga Soby is an internationally recognized fluid artist from Canada. Being a huge art enthusiast, she is best known for her passion for bright colors, bold movement in composition, and love of experimenting. She truly believes in the creative spark in everyone and loves helping people to find it and turn it into a bright artistic flame.

Rinske Douna

Rinske Douna is an internationally recognized fluid abstract artist and graphic designer from the Netherlands who is best known for her Dutch pours, an acrylic painting technique. Many of her works are inspired from the colors of the ocean, with vibrant bright colors and negative space.

We Cover Everything You Need to Know

Inside This Step-by-Step Online Course

Our #1 mission with our Acrylic Pouring course is to create a user-friendly course that’s comprehensive, easy to understand, and can also be implemented right away. We cover every important aspect of the Acrylic Pouring process through various videos, lectures and more. Here’s a quick sneak peek of what you’ll discover inside the course…

A Brief Introduction to Acrylic Pouring

  • Find out more about the origins of Acrylic Pouring and the main pioneers behind it
  • Learn important safety considerations and definitions regarding Acrylic Pouring
  • Download a 27-page PDF that contains a perfect overview of the Acrylic Pouring course

Our #1 Most Recommended Supplies

  • Discover what paint brands are used and recommended by Rinske, Molly, and Olga
  • Learn what Acrylic Paint is, the various mediums, and the surfaces you can pour on
  • See our “go to” pouring tools, links to get your supplies, and so much more!

A Simple Breakdown on Color Theory

  • We’ll take a closer look at The Color Wheel as well as Color Harmonies
  • Looking for more color inspiration for your own art? We’ll show you where to look!
  • Find out these super quick and simple (but highly effective) online color ideas

Understanding the Importance of Composition

  • Find out what is “Composition” and why it’s so vital to your Acrylic Pour Paintings
  • Learn how to use Negative Space and Color Composition to your advantage
  • Discover what “The Rule of Thirds” means and how to apply it to your artwork

Getting the Right Consistency with Your Paints

  • We’ll show you how to get the right paint consistency with each and every pour
  • Learn how to do “Consistency Testing” the right way (and save on wasted paint)
  • Find out what measurements you need to consider in the Acrylic Pouring process

Popular Mixing & Pouring Techniques (and Recipes)

  • Find out the most important tips and tricks to mixing paint for the best results
  • Discover the different paint mixing techniques used by Rinske, Molly and Olga
  • We’ll reveal pouring techniques that include the Dutch Pour, swipe, the Colander Pour and many more

How to Troubleshoot the Most Common Problems

  • Find out how to avoid Cracking and Crazing, Muddy Colors and even Pinholes
  • Learn what you need to do when your paint dries dull - and how you can easily avoid it
  • Discover how to avoid “Bald Spots” and how to finish the sides of your paintings

How to Paint in a More Environmentally Friendly Way

  • We’ll show you how to paint in a way that’s safer for Mother Earth and the environment
  • Discover the best ways to use Reusable Supplies (this will also save you a lot of money)
  • Find out how to use Paint Skins and properly dispose of your waste materials

The Best Ways to Finish Your Paintings to Make Them Look Great

  • Learn what varnish is and how we use it in the process of finishing our paintings
  • Find out how to properly prep your own canvas before you finish your painting
  • Get access to our exclusive list of varnishes, resins, embellishments and more!

How to Properly Prep + Ship Your Paintings to Brand New Buyers

  • Learn how to prep your painting for shipping (so it doesn’t get damaged)
  • Find out the best methods for shipping your artwork (that’ll save you money)
  • Discover more handy tips and tricks you can use when shipping your art

BONUS #1! Get Exclusive access to our private Facebook group + community!

  • Connect directly with course instructors Molly, Olga and Rinske
  • Join other fellow artists from all around the world online, anytime you wish
  • Share your artwork, get additional feedback and valuable insights, and support

BONUS #2! Proven ways to sell (and make money!) from your very own artwork

  • Learn how to overcome the fear and doubts of selling your own artwork
  • Gain insight into ways to price your artwork
  • Discover places to sell your artwork (both online and offline)

BONUS #3! Interact with others in the course (and instructors) through course comments!

BONUS #4! Get Exclusive access to periodic updates, new videos and new lectures!

What Are Our Students Saying About the Course?

"So far the course is so amazing and thank you so much. You three, Olga, Risnke and Molly, could not have done a better job with the course!"

  • Nikki Manno

"I have been pouring for approx 12 months and was watching a large number of YouTube videos. I am half way through this course and I must say it is the best and most informative course I have seen. I am pouring now and am in so much more control. Money well spent."

  • J. Webb

"I signed up for your course and I have to say it is absolutely fabulous! I am still on the first session, I’ve gone over it several times. Every time I watch it I see something that I missed. Very in-depth and well done. The instructors are so good. Great Course!"

-Emily Ross Campos

"I Savored every minute of your new course. Truly beyond value for the money spent. You guys did the best job. Thanks so much!"

-Ellen Huse

"Just finished the course. Only complaint I didn't wat it to end, lol. I learned so much. You three were great instructors, clear and concise. I would recommend this course to anyone starting out. A lot of questions were answered. "

-R. Saints

“The Smart Art Course was worth every penny and offered three unique teaching styles and numerous methods and techniques from highly respected artists Olga, Rinske, and Molly inspired creativity and I would recommend the course to anyone interested from beginner to even highly skilled artists.” 

-Jill Corbin 

Here’s How You Can Get Instant Access To

Our Acrylic Pouring: A to Z Art Course

You’re only one step away from accessing one of the most in-depth and comprehensive step-by-step courses ever created about Acrylic Pouring! 

Once you enroll by clicking on the button below, you’ll get instant access to all lectures, instructional videos, and downloadable materials. You will even get a certificate of completion that you may download once you finish the course!

You’ll get 24/7 access to all course materials and can learn at your own pace. Feel free to ask questions and get support from all 3 instructors as well as those in the Facebook community. 

Get started right now by choosing from one of our easy payment plans!

For questions you may contact us here: [email protected]

For more reviews, check out our facebook page here: https://fb.me/smartartcoursesatoz